If we put an eagle in a cage measuring 2 x 2.5 M with the roof open, it still can't fly.

The eagle will start flying from the ground by running 3 - 3.5 M.

Without a place to run, this eagle would be unable to fly and would be trapped forever in that little, uncovered cage.

If a bee falls into an open empty cup, it will also remain there until it dies, unless you don't have the heart to get it out.

Bees never see an exit at the top.

Keep trying to find a way out through the edge near the bottom, find a way where there is no way, until he destroys himself.

Are we, also like the eagle and the bee:
- struggling with problems.
- Continuous focus on problems
- Complaining constantly until it becomes frustrating itself.

Do you realize that there will always be an answer to each of our problems, namely by looking up

(Colossians 3: 1-2)
Therefore, if you have been raised with Christ,
seek the things above, where Christ is,
seated at the right hand of God.
Think of things above, not on earth.

(Jeremiah 33: 3)
Call on Me, then I will answer you and I will tell you the great and incomprehensible things that you don't know.

(James 4: 2B)
You got nothing,
because you don't pray.

James 1: 5-7 (RS)
5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, ask God, who gives to all men generously and does not rise again,
then it will be given to him.
Let him ask in faith, and do not hesitate at all, for he who doubts is the same as the waves of the sea,
who are being tossed back and forth by the wind.
Such a person should not think,
that he will receive something from God.

(John 16: 23-24)
Verily all things that you ask the Father,
He will give you in my name.
Until now you haven't asked anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be full.

There will always be an answer to our every prayer, only we need to ask in faith. 

Sunday 22 april 1994
Mizoram, India 
( Luis Funan )


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